Positive.News: Changing minds

20 mental health leaders supporting the nation’s wellbeing: To mark Mental Health Awareness Week 2021, we celebrate 20 people who, in diverse ways, are making a difference to the wellbeing of millions. Discover their projects, and see which may be helpful to you

Beyond the prescription pad: Dr Radha Modgil

Knowing that singing can relieve symptoms of anxiety and depression, and that group singing releases chemicals that can make us feel happier, Dr Radha Modgil is keenly aware of the transformative power of projects such as the Bee Vocal Choir in Manchester. Held in the city’s Bridgwater Hall, the choir offers a creative release for people who are experiencing, or have experienced, mental health challenges.

Modgil, an NHS GP, broadcaster and wellbeing campaigner, is one of the UK’s leading champions of social prescribing. This year, with the National Academy for Social Prescribing, she launched a social media campaign, #OneGoodThing, to share tips for activities in local communities that can boost people’s wellbeing.

Read the full article here on Positive.News


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