Bringing positive change to the world
Radha has always taken a well-rounded approach to what it means to be well and how that translates into tools for physical, mental and emotional health, as well as to nurture our own individuality.
She knows that we are all unique and that various strategies, tools, words and approaches work for different people.
Her ideas and work reflect her creative approach for wellbeing.

Radha’s particular area of interest is mental and emotional wellbeing. How can we get through life’s challenges and how can we understand ourselves more through the process? She has a passion for highlighting how art and culture, music, nature and community are impactful tools for wellbeing. Her work with the National Academy for Social Prescribing champions this innovative and revolutionary approach to health.
Through her broadcasting and writing, Radha addresses life experiences that society often chooses to avoid such as sexual health, body image, mental health, bereavement, loneliness and the need to process our emotions. Radha is determined to talk about these life challenges and how they impact our wellbeing. She innovates by shining a light on those subjects that are often hidden away because of fear, shame or stigma and in doing so helps people feel they are not alone.
She has written pieces about the importance of imagination and play, hope, purpose and kindness as foundational tools for wellness. Radha constantly seeks to broaden society’s view of what wellbeing is and to initiate global conversations, healthcare systems and societal attitudes about ‘wellbeing’.

Campaigns, Communications and Consultancy
Radha also brings her expertise in innovative communications strategies and has consulted with corporates, arts and cultural organisations, charitable bodies, healthcare organisations, universities, schools and colleges and professional bodies about how they can best communicate their ideas and wellbeing campaigns to their specific audience.
The spread and variety of different audiences Radha broadcasts to requires her to be creative in her approach and innovative in how she communicates advice and support. She has worked with Public Health England, charitable organisations including the British Red Cross and MIND, Nuffield Health, the Motability Scheme on the Rough Guide to Accessible Britain, the Children’s Media Conference, National Careers Week and UCAS amongst others.
To get in touch, contact me via the form below.
Radha is also a Trustee for Action For Happiness, a charitable organisation and innovative movement of people taking action collectively to create a happier world, through promoting a culture that prioritises kindness.